A Test of Friendship
Sweet sixteen— not yet an adult, no longer a kid; carefree, hard headed, and often stubborn. I was a sixteen year old. And like any other...
How Long Will You STEP UP?
A garden that has been cleaned, pruned, and removed of weeds will only stay that way if someone maintains it. A project is similar to a...
Ticket to Togetherness
Aside from tablets, computers and other modern technologies, we all know that most of the teenagers today enjoy playing inside the...
On Wheels
Teenage pregnancy cases have always been rampant in today’s society. Among the provinces of Iloilo, Anilao tops the list. The STEP UP...
“Para Sa Masanag Nga Buwas Damlag!”
“Out with Family Planning, In with future Planning” – this line has always been the inspiration of the STEP UP Project since Day 1. The...
Lessons on Gender-equality, teen health, children’s rights, sexual violence and parental responsibil
To successfully weed off a garden, the grass must be pulled from the roots. Otherwise, regrowth is guaranteed in no time. Unintended...
Breaking Boundaries
In order to fully accomplish the team’s goal which is to develop and implement an effective public health strategies that can prevent the...
Building A New Trail for Teens
Every change starts from a plan that people with burning passion stitch together until it becomes a masterpiece. It may take several...
The Road Not Taken
Jolly and happy-go-lucky— this is how I can best describe myself. I am an achiever; from elementary to high school I had been a...
Reaching Out
To increase the knowledge, attitude and practices on teenage pregnancy of not only the teenager residents of Brgy. Cag-an, but as well as...